
Answer with a smile

Someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do, answer with a smile.

Someone interrupts your work with a question, answer with a smile.

Someone suggests a new idea, answer with a smile.

A smile goes a long way – it shows the other person they can come to you without you freaking out, that you’re easy to work with, that you’re strong and resilient in the face of change.

A simple curl up of the lip can help you get into a more positive state of mind when something comes up that you weren’t expecting.

Change and opportunity will present themselves to you today, and when they do answer with a smile.

What’s after the smile? Thank them for their thoughts and/or mention something you appreciate about that person.

Open your heart to the world, take what you are given, I promise it’s really not as bad as you think it to be. It’s all working in your favor.

Stay blessed family.

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